Al-Qeada Blows up Medical Center in Al-Bayda

 Activists on social media on Tuesday posted a video footage shows al-Qaeda terrorist element blowing up a medical Center in al-Sawma’ah district of Bayda province, center of Yemen.

The sources confirmed that the terrorist militias planted a large number of explosive devices in the building, and detonated from a distance.

Moreover, the terrorist elements executed four citizens in Hazamyah area of the same district after they were accused of spying against the organization, the sources added.

This comes days after the execution and crucifixion of a Yemeni doctor who was a staff member of the rural center.

In al-Bayda governorate alone, information from the security services indicates that between January 2015 and May 2020, al-Qaeda carried out more than 327 criminal operations ranging from armed ambushes to assassinations and detonating explosive devices.