A British soldier of Yemeni origin was arrested for his protest against Britain’s support for the Saudi-led war on Yemen coalition, at a time when London claims that it is seeking to stop the war and bring peace to Yemen.
“The British Royal Military Police have arrested the British soldier of Yemeni origin, Ahmed Al-Bayati,” retired Yemeni military officer Ali Al-Nassi said in Twitter on Wednesday night.
He added that the British military police arrested the British soldier of Yemeni origin “because of his protest in front of the British Ministry of Defense building in London over the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia,” which leads the war coalition in Yemen.
The military expert, Ali Al-Nassi, continued in his tweet, saying: The arrest of Al-Bayati “because of his protest against the sale of weapons by the United Kingdom to Saudi Arabia, and also accused the government of Her Majesty the Queen stained with Yemeni blood.”
Britain’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia in 2018 only amounted to 4.7 billion pounds, and it had frozen its arms supply in the face of human rights protests, but it announced its resumption last month.
The arrest of the British soldier of Yemeni origin, for protesting against Britain’s participation in supporting the coalition war, coincides with the renewal of Britain’s ambassador to Yemen, Michael Aaron, announcing “his country’s support for peace efforts in Yemen.”
The British ambassador, Michael Aaron, condemned the attack of the army and the popular committees on the city of Marib, warning of its dangerous repercussions, and demanding an end to the attack, which he considered undermines efforts to bring peace to Yemen and stop the war.
On Wednesday, Deputy Foreign Minister in the Salvation Government, Hussein Al-Ezzi, denounced the statements of the British ambassador to Yemen, considering that “statements lack credibility and are not worthy of a great people like the British people.”
Al-Ezzi said in “Twitter” on Wednesday: “The statements of the British ambassador lack credibility and aim to participate in his country’s government in misleading British public opinion and escaping from the consequences of its negative stances that contributed to prolonging the suffering of the Yemeni people.”
He added, “It also expresses a miserable attempt to conceal the recent scandal of the emergence of al Qaeda and ISIS as part of the false legitimacy recognized by Britain,” adding, “It is important for the British people to put an end to the policies of their government towards Sanaa, as policies that stand firmly behind all the suffering of the Yemeni people.”
Observers considered, “The arrest of a British soldier who protested the continuation of the war in Yemen and Britain’s support for the war coalition by selling weapons, training, logistical and political support, as a testament to Britain’s participation in the war.”