Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi speaks on the occasion of Day of Wilayah

Al-Thawra Net

Leader of the Yemeni Revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi, has on Saturday congratulated the Arab and Islamic nations on the occasion of the Day of Wilayah, which falls on the eighteenth day of the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah every year.

The Day of Wilayah marks the events of Ghadir Khumm in the year 632 CE, when the Prophet Muhammad appointed Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor.

In a televised speech aired by Al-Masirah TV channel on Saturday afternoon, the Leader indicated that the Yemeni people celebrated this occasion every year as part of their religious heritage that they preserved through the generations.

Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi emphasized that “the principle of Wilayah (guardianship) is what guarantees the continuity of the divine path and bridges the gap in front of the nation’s enemies.”

He made it clear that the perfection of religion and the fullness of grace was what ensured the continuity of the divine approach.

In his speech, Sayyed al-Houthi pointed out that “the state of deficiency and distortion led some of the nation’s sons to turn to the Jews and Christians to solve their problems, and they gave America the tutelage over them.”

In the capital Sana’a, four marches took place, in which thousands of people gathered in the western square of the Thawra Park, the Dayari Square in front of the old university gate, and the southern square of the Sabeen Park, while a mass rally for women was held in the square of the People’s Mosque.

The participants declared their allegiance to Allah, to His Messenger and to Imam Ali, chanting slogans of freedom and rejecting the hegemony of the evil forces in the world, led by America and the Zionist entity.

The people stressed that the commemoration of the occasion is the embodiment and renewal of the meeting held by the Prophet Muhammad, on the day of Ghadir, declaring in front of thousands of believers the mandate of Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, the Commander of the Faithful.

Moreover, they emphasised that they would follow Imam Ali’s approach and learn lessons from his life, his courage and his heroism in the face of tyrants and oppressors.