Minister of Information calls for wide participation in tweetstorm

Al-Thawra Net

The Ministry of Information to launch a major tweetstorm  at 9:00 p.m. Tuesday night to mark  “2,000 Days of Aggression” on Yemen.

Minister of Information Daifallah al-Shami called on the Yemeni people and the free people of world to actively participate in the campaign to highlight the heinous crimes and violations committed against the Yemeni people during 2,000 days of Saudi-American aggression and the suffocating blockade.

He noted the importance of the interaction of journalists and activists to convey the oppression of the Yemeni people, in light of the continuing crimes of aggression and siege backed by the US and Israel with complicity of the UN  .

Minister Al-Shami stated that the international silence over 2,000 days of horrific crimes committed by the Saudi-led aggression against the Yemeni people

This crimes  contrary to international and humanitarian norms, conventions and laws, and represents a flagrant violation of the will of the peoples who reject guardianship and external domination, he concluded.