Al-Hakim meets with officers defect from Saudi-led aggression

Al-Thawra Net

Chief the military intelligence, Major general Abdullah Yahya al-Hakim, has on Saturday met with officers and members of Raymah’s sons who have defected from Saudi-led aggression coalition forces and returned to the national ranks, in the presence Raymah Governor Fares al-Houbara.

In the meeting, Major general Abdullah Yahya al-Hakim stressed that national sovereignty is protected by the heroes of the army and popular committees stationed on various front lines to confront the coalition of aggression.

He praised the victories and successes achieved by the heroes of the army and popular committees, which broke the fork of the aggressors and their terrible defeats on various fronts at home and deep inside enemy territory.

Al-Hakim expressed his appreciation to the officers and individuals who returned to the national ranks after being lured by agents and mercenaries of aggression.

For his part, the governor of Reema confirmed that the sons of Raymah are at the forefront in defending the homeland against the coalition of aggression.

He called on Raymah’s sons to continue to provide more support convoys for the army and popular committees.