First Plane Carrying First Batch of Freed Yemeni Prisoners Arrives at Sana’a International Airport

A short while ago, the first plane carrying the first batch of freed Yemeni prisoners of the Army and Popular Committees arrived at Sana’a International Airport.

The correspondent of “Almasirah Net” stated that the plane was carrying 108 of the freed prisoners coming from Seyoun Airport in the occupied city of Hadramout, indicating that three other planes would arrive successively from Seyoun and Saudi’s Abha airports.

An official reception ceremony was held for the released prisoners upon their arrival at Sana’a airport, while the honor guard played patriotic melodies.

A delegation from the office of the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, a large number of state leaders, civilians and military personnel with the member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammad Al-Houthi., gathered to receive the prisoners.