JSC calls on Twitter to reverse blocking Al-Masirah Media Network accounts

Al-Thawra Net

The Journalists Support Committee (JSC) in Geneva has condemned the “Twitter” company’s decision to close and block Al-Masirah Media Network accounts, in addition to the personal accounts of many employees of Al-Masirah channel.

The committee considered, in a statement issued on Saturday, this unjustified and illegal measure a flagrant violation of freedom of opinion and expression.

In its statement, the committee called on “Twitter” to immediately reverse its decision to close the accounts belonging to Al-Masirah Media Network and to adopt the principles of equality in the digital world.

The committee indicated that the electronic blocking prevents citizens from accessing information from its sources and deprives the media and journalist of their right to transmit facts and events.

On Thursday, Twitter suspended the accounts of Al-Masirah Media Network and a number of its employees simultaneously, without any justification, at the behest of Saudi-led coalition countries that have been launching war on Yemen since March, 2015.