New documents leaked showing extent of imperialist meddling in pre-2014 Yemen

Al-Thawra Net

The Al-Masirah news channel has on Sunday unveiled new documents showing various aspects of foreign tutelage over Yemen before the September 21 Revolution of 2014.

According to Al-Masirah TV, the new documents included a document issued by the British embassy in September 2013 revealing the embassy’s dictates to lift subsidies on oil derivatives in accordance to World Bank imperialist policies.

The document showed that the British ambassador threatened then president Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi with economic instability if British demand weren’t met. It also revealed the International Monetary Fund’s proposal for an incremental reduction in fuel subsidies as part of a proposed extended credit for Yemen.

The decision of the Hadi government to abolish fuel subsides, this further worsening the situation for an already impoverished population, was the last straw that led to the September 21 Revolution.

Al-Masirah also unveiled another document, issued by the US National Security Agency at the end of November 2012, revealing a meeting between the agency’s head and Saudi Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, which was devoted to clarifying what the document describes as security efforts to contain Ansarullah and prevent theile spread of its activities.

The document also revealed Saudi dictates to establish a database and information about every Yemeni and to equip the forensic laboratory to examine DNA.

Another document, issued by the General Military Intelligence Department on July 9, 2012, revealed a meeting between the Yemeni Commander of the Air Force and Air Defence at that time and the Military Attaché at the French Embassy, during which the Air Force Commander requested the use of French expertise in the field of training and aviation.

The French attaché talked, in that meeting, about the possibility of the participation of the French forces located in Chad or Djibouti in what he described as “helping Yemen,” and stressed that the focus of cooperation for the French side is through mutual benefit.