Palestinian writer praises Yemen for mass observance of Prophet’s birthday

Al-Thawar Net

Palestinian writer Abdel Bari Atwan has praised the mass rallies that took place on Thursday across Yemen, celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

In a tweet, he described the crowd that came out on Thursday with millions, which expressed the faith of the Yemeni people.

Atwan expressed his satisfaction and admiration for the Yemenis people, who went out to celebrate the prophet’s birthday, stressing that the million man marches expressed the deep degree of faith and love for the Prophet.

“God, what a wonderful crowd of millions of Yemenis who are celebrating the prophet’s birth, a people with such a deep degree of faith and the love of his Messenger,” the Palestinian writer said.

“A people of these qualities will never be defeated, and victory will be theirs, God willing, no matter how long it takes.”

In a rally that is the largest in the history of Yemen and the region, millions of Yemenis gathered on Thursday in 15 squares in the capital Sana’a and other provinces to celebrate the anniversary of birthday of the Messenger of Islam.