Yemen denounces French President insults against Islam

Yemen’s Foreign Ministry strongly condemned on Saturday the French President Emmanuel Macron’s incitement and insults to the Islamic religion and Holy Prophet “Mohammad”.

The ministry said, in a statement, that the repeated insults to Prophet “Mohammad” would fuel hatred among the world peoples, and is a provocation move that negatively affects France’s relationships with the Islamic world, in addition to posing a threat to the social peace in France.

“The insult to Islam and religious symbols under the claims of freedom of expression is unreasonable and unacceptable,” the statement read, considering the insult as a crime against the sentiments and dignity of more than one and a half billion Muslims.

The statement also called on the international community to condemn such statements that will ignite the spirit of hatred, violence and enmity, and will undermine already exerted efforts to strengthen the peaceful and civilized coexistence among peoples of the world.