Yemeni spokesman reveals extent of former regime’s collaboration with Zionism

Al-Thawra Net

The official spokesman of the Yemeni armed forces, Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e, in a press conference, on Sunday, revealed the relations between the former regime of Hadi and the Zionist enemy entity.

“This is a confirmation of what the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi has said during his speech on the sixth anniversary of the September 21 Revolution about the relations of the former regime with the Zionist entity.”

“In 2007, the relationship between the Saleh government and the Zionist entity reached a high level of communication, coordination and exchange of visits at several levels,” said Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e.

He stressed that “the battle today is a fatal battle, and standing in the face of Saudi-led aggression is meant to stand against Israeli plans and its mercenaries.”

During a press conference held in Sana’a, the spokesman detailed the steps of the former regime’s relations with the Zionist entity and the conspiratorial scheme against the Yemeni country in which it had enabled the Israeli enemy to achieve all its goals and plans.

He noted that Yemen had been, and continues to be, a target of Israeli policies and a field of Zionist activities and movements.

“Yemen is still present in the US-Zionist strategic mentality, and the current aggression is the latest clear evidence of such plots and conspiracies.
Today, the armed forces reveal to the Yemeni people information for the first time that shows the plan to hand over Yemen to the Israeli enemy. This information confirms that today we are confronting an aggression that seeks by all means to achieve Israeli objectives in our country.”

“The most prominent facts that should be revealed today are the conspiratorial schemes against our country that enable the Israeli enemy to achieve all its objectives and plans through the secret relationship with the former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, as well as the meetings and the most prominent files on the table of meetings, discussions and correspondence either directly or through intermediaries,” he explained .

Yahya Sare’e pointed out that the Israeli interest in Yemen is not limited to Bab al-Mandab, the Red Sea, the Yemeni islands or the west coast only, but also extends to the economic, cultural, agricultural, security and military aspects.

“All this confirms the growing relationship between the former President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the Israeli entity, leading to the exchange of visits at different levels, as well as the existence of continuous direct and indirect contacts between the two sides, and the continuation of the relationship until the post-Gulf initiative and its transition to the existing authority until the start of the aggression march 26, 2015,” he said.

He stressed that after the aggression, the puppet government moved to implement advanced steps towards public normalisation of relations with the Israeli enemy.