Activists circulated on social media video footage showing a Saudi citizen ramming his car into the Islamic holy site of Mecca at insane speed.
According to the video, the Sanctuary’s surveillance cameras monitored a man who was reportedly driving drunk crossing the main gate of the compound and passing through the barriers until he hit one of the internal gates in the compound, smashing a number of glass windows and causing extensive damage.
شخص متهور يقتحم ساحة الحرم المكي الشريف !!!
ويصطدم بسيارته من نوع هيونداي اللون بيج
في باب الحرم رقم ٨٩ !!؟
في تمام الساعة ١٠،٢٥ دقيقة مساء.وقد تم القبض على السائق الذي حاول الدخول بسيارته من باب توسعة.
ولم يصب أحد بأذى ولله الحمد والفضل والمنة.
— ناصر الناصر (@atras10) October 30, 2020
The incident was responded to by security officers.
This incident is the first of its kind and a major scandal for the Saudi regime, which has prior allowed the use of alcohol in the city.