80 US Organizations Call New President to end Saudi War on Yemen

Over 80 American organizations send a petition to elected President Joe Biden, calling on him to stop cooperating with Saudi Arabia in its war on Yemen.

US elected President Joe Biden received a petition signed by about 80 American organizations calling on him to end the war on Yemen as soon as possible, as the petition included anti-war bodies, human rights committees, and religious groups, reminding him of his previous pledges to put an end to it.

The signatories asked the president-elect to stop intelligence and logistical cooperation with Saudi Arabia, stop selling weapons to Riyadh, and exert pressure on it to stop its aerial bombardment and end its siege on Yemen, “and to resume American humanitarian aid to Yemenis.

“Ending US participation in the war on Yemen will send a signal to millions of Yemenis and thousands of Yemeni Americans, that arms sales and geopolitical chess are no more important than their lives,” the petition stated