YPC: $ 10 billion in economic losses due to aggression piracy on fuel ships

The Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC) on Friday said that direct and indirect losses in the service, industrial and production sectors due to the continued detention of oil derivative ships exceeded $ 10 billion.

“The maritime piracy on ships of oil derivatives caused the suspension of more than 50 percent of the operational capabilities of the service, industrial and commercial sectors, which led to great economic losses,” YPC’s Executive Director Ammar Al-Adhrai said in a statement to media.

Al-Adhrai considered the detention of fuel ships and preventing their entry a crime of genocide, which is criminalized by all international legislation, charters and laws.

He confirmed that the coalition is still holding nine oil derivative ships in Jizan, the first of them has been held for more than nine months and the fines for delaying this vessel amounted to six million dollars, which exceeds the value of the shipment.

Al-Adhrai also called on the United Nations to do its duty and work to stop the arbitrary practices of the coalition countries that continue to detain the fuel ships and prevent their entry to the port of Hodeidah, despite obtaining permits.