Security, Intelligence Service Exposes Spy Cell Operated by British Intelligence


 The Security and Intelligence Service reveals new information about the US and British intelligence spy cell, whose members were recruited by US intelligence officers and then they were transferred to work with British intelligence officers to complete the hostile role against the Yemeni people.

It revealed that the spies met with CIA officers at Al-Ghayda airport in Al-Mahra and then worked with British intelligence officers.

It indicated that the arrested spies admitted that they had uploaded coordinates in various governorates, and pointed out that the spies raised the coordinates specified for British intelligence for a monthly salary of $ 300.

The Security and Intelligence Service stated that the members of the spy cell joined the so-called Special Missions Brigade under the command of Fayez Al-Muntasir, and took a military course in it, as it was established to attract members from the northern governorates to the intelligence work of the British and American invaders.

The agency indicated that the focus was on the northern governorates, in particular the governorates of Sa’adah and Sana’a focused on searching for air defenses, drones, and the military forces of the Army and the Committee, trying to destroy them.

It added that the American and British intelligence works in every direction in Yemen to establish a permanent presence there under the pretext of combating terrorism and building what has been destroyed by the aggression.