Ansarullah congratulates Palestinian resistance on its victory

The political Bureau of Ansarullah has on Friday saluted and congratulated the Palestinian people and resistance on their historic victory over the Israeli enemy, following a bloody aggression that lasted for 12 days on Gaza strip.

In a statement, the bureau said that the Sword of Al-Quds battle has created a historic shift in favor of Palestinian people and al-Quds.

The statement affirmed that the battle has destroyed the malicious plans that have been planned for years to target the Palestinian issue by US administration, Israel and some Arab countries normalizing with the Zionist entity.

The battle has put the Israeli enemy entity on the brink and it was the first blow directed to the enemy, as the resistance holds the lead and remains so until the enemy halted its aggression against Gaza without achieving any objective, the statement read.

The statement pointed out that this victory is made by the sacrifices of the Palestinian people for the sake of its legitimate right to defend its lands and to defeat the Israeli occupation from all of Palestine.