Ansarullah spokesman congratulates Palestine on its victory

The official spokesman for Ansarullah, Mohammad Abdulsalam, has congratulated the Palestinian people and Resistance on their historic victory over the Israeli enemy, following a bloody aggression that lasted for 12 days on Gaza strip.

“We congratulate the Palestinian people and the valiant resistance on achieving victory in the Sword of Al-Quds battle,” Abdulsalam wrote in a post published on his Twitter page on Friday. “A round of lessons has ended, which the nation should learn, in preparation for greater things to come.”

He continued: “From a position of strength and ability, the Palestinian people and resistance have forced the Zionist entity to a ceasefire, and imposed on it an escape from the hell that awaits it if it continues its brutal aggression against Gaza.”

“The Sword of Al-Quds operation shook the enemy and made a great transformation for Al-Quds,” Abdulsalam added.

He went on to say: “After the world turned its back on Palestine for a period of time, the Sword of Al-Quds came to remind them of the cause of a people whose response was stunning (…) It tightened the screws on the enemy, slapped those who have normalised ties with Israel, and destroyed their illusions.”

Abdulsalam added that the battle has been renewed for the nation and the peoples of the region, that it is a cause destined to win, and that the Zionist occupation will end.