Service sectors warn of ‘environmental and health’ disaster due to detention of oil ships

Service sectors have warned of catastrophic consequences for the environment, health, and the humanitarian situation in general, as a result of the US-Saudi aggression continued detention of fuel ships.

The hygiene, environment and other sectors, in a protest in front of the UN office in Sana’a, condemned the arbitrary practices of the US-Saudi aggression, maritime piracy on fuel ships and preventing their entry to the port of Hodeidah.

Protesters pointed out that the detention of fuel ships will lead to the suspension of sewage treatment plants and cause a disaster for the residents of the capital, in addition to stopping the pumping of approximately one million and ten thousand cubic meters of water and depriving nearly five million people of drinking water.

Those authorities called on the United Nations to intervene immediately to put pressure on the countries involved in the US-Saudi aggression to allow the entry of fuel ships to avoid an environmental and health disaster.

The participants in the protest called on the free people of the world to move to deliver messages to the international community to stop sea piracy on fuel ships.

The official spokesman for Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) Issam Al-Mutawakel explained that the coalition of aggression is still holding three fuel ships, all of them for public consumption.

He stressed that the situation in Yemen has become catastrophic as a result of the continued detention of oil ships, as the total fines for seized ships amounted to ten million dollars, equivalent to more than six billion riyals.

He pointed out that the percentage of released quantities of gasoline during the first half of 2021 was only four per cent of the actual need in normal situations, while the percentage of the released diesel during that period was only seven per cent of the actual need.

The YPC’s official spokesman held the forces of aggression and the UN fully responsible for the continued detention of ships and the prevention of their entry to the port of Hodeidah.

He called on the free people of the world to continue solidarity with the Yemeni people and to put pressure on the coalition of aggression to release the fuel ships.