5,493 Tons of Spoiled Food Belonging to World Food Program Seized

 The General Department of Plant Protection in the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, in the port of Hodeidah, seized 5,493 tons of green and dry peas, belonging to the World Food Program, infected with warehouse pests.

Saba Agency quoted the Director of Plant Protection, Engineer Hilal Al-Jashari, that it was confirmed that the shipment was infected with warehouse pests, and at rates that exceeded the permissible under the quarantine law.

He pointed out that data confirms that the shipment is in violation of the plant quarantine law and its executive regulations, and that containers in which the plant consignments were transported are not suitable for transporting foodstuffs for human consumption because they are worn out, unclean,  and there are remnants of previous shipments.

Al-Jashari confirmed that this shipment, which the World Food Program seeks to bring into Yemen as aid, has been rejected, and the instructions to destroy it or return it to the country of origin, United States, will be issued after completing legal procedures.

He warned of the danger of passing such materials or allowing their entry and distribution to the consumer under the name of aid, as they represent a major reason for the transfer of insects and plant pests to the country, in addition to their risk of making consumers vulnerable to disease.

The Director of Plant Protection pointed to the importance of role plant quarantine outlets in protecting food security sources as the first line of defense to protect agricultural crops from plant pests that may enter or be transmitted through consignments.

It is noteworthy that this shipment is the second that was seized within two months. Previously a shipment of infected peas belonging to World Food Program, weighing 1,768 tons, was seized at the stone station in Hodeidah, coming from Ukraine.