Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis rally in mass protests against US imperialism

Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis in the capital Sana’a and other provinces have on Monday staged mass rallies to denounce the US escalation and its complicity in the Saudi-led coalition aggression on their country.

In the rallies, the participants raised Yemeni flags and chanted vociferous anti-American and anti-Saudi slogans.

“The US was the basis for the aggression and a major partner in the siege against our country,” Mohammed Ali al-Houthi said during the mass rally in the capital Sana’a, titled ‘The US is Behind Military and Economic Conflict and Continuation of War and Siege of Yemen’.

He affirmed that “the US is the one that kills and destroys Yemen,” stressing that Washington will “remain our enemy constantly.”

“If it weren’t for America, there wouldn’t be an aggression against our country. The US was the first to withdraw its ambassador and called on other states to withdraw its ambassadors from Sana’a. Since seven years, the US has been killing the Yemeni people and destroying their infrastructures” Mohammed al-Houthi explained.

He mocked Saudi Arabia, saying, “Saudi Arabia can’t even make kites as well as the F15 and F16 warplanes industry.”

Al-Houthi underlined that “America, which claims freedom and democracy, blocks news sites such as Al-Masirah.”

Addressing the aggression countries al-Houthi said: “Why are you preventing our ships from reaching the port of Hodeidah and closing Sana’a Airport, and why are you banning cash transfers?”

Regarding the US decisions regarding Yemen, he said: “Any sanctions you impose do not affect us. We have no apartments in Turkey or Cairo, nor in any other country.”

“The air and sea embargo is affecting all Yemeni citizens. We don’t even ever go out of Yemen. We don’t have anything outside of this country.”

“We do not have companies or funds to stop remittances. It only hurts Yemeni citizens. ”

“The blockade on our country is imposed by US frigates and ships,” he stated. “The Yemeni people do not care about American screams and they are firm in their positions.”

With regard to the dialogues, he revealed the results by saying: “We had conversations and discovered that they are not serious. Their dialogues are only exploratory.”