Health Office in Shabwa : Saudi Aggression commits Heinous Crimes in Shabwa

The Director-General of the Health Office in Shabwa Governorate, Dr. Jalal Al-Bahri, detailed, on Wednesday, how the US-Saudi aggression committed horrific crimes in Shabwa.

“We used to receive cases of killed and wounded in hospitals with their scattered and charred remains. They were targeted either in homes or roads”, Al-Bahri said in a statement.

He pointed out that the number of victims of the aggression in Shabwa governorate reached 460, including 17 children and 34 women. 235 of those are killed, including 9 children and 14 women, while the number of wounded reached 225, including 8 children and 20 women.

“During the presence of Saudi mercenaries, our specialized staff were excluded and marginalized,” he added.

Spokesman for the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Talaat Al-Sharjibi, explained that Shabwa governorate was one of the areas brutally targeted by the US-Saudi aggression in Yemen.

Al-Sharjabi indicated that the aggression caused the displacement of more than 28 thousand Shabwa residents from their original homes and villages, and they were distributed among 14 governorates, most of them in Al-Baidhaa governorate.

He pointed out that the displaced people of Shabwa governorate are suffering and face the burdens of a difficult life under the continued US-Saudi blockade and its disastrous effects.