Shura Council Condmens Targeting Of Yemeni International Telecommunication Company

The Shura Council condemned the targeting by the US-Saudi-Emirati aggression of the building of Yemeni International Telecommunication Company “TeleYemen”, which led to the interruption of international telecommunication services.

In a statement, the Council considered that the systematic destruction of the telecommunications sector by the US-Saudi aggression aims to cover up its crimes against civilians, isolate the Yemeni people from the world and deprive them of telecommunications and Internet services guaranteed under international humanitarian law.

The Council denounced the direct and systematic targeting by the US-Saudi aggression of the vital sectors and civilian objects of the Yemeni people, foremost of which are communications facilities, and the intimidation of the safe in residential neighborhoods.

The statement holds the US-Saudi aggression responsible for the repercussions of the disruption of TeleYemen services, again calling on UN and the UN Security Council to assume their legal responsibilities and stand firmly in front of all violations and crimes committed by the aggression against the Yemeni people.

US-Saudi aggression targeted again, on Monday, the building of the Yemeni Company for International Telecommunications which led to its complete destruction.

The raids also caused severe damage to the building adjacent to the targeted building. On January 21, US-Saudi airstrikes targeted the Telecommunications Office in Hodeidah with several raids, which led to the interruption of internet and international Telecommunications in Yemen for several days. Then it was restored with local efforts.

The US-Saudi aggression threatened to target the headquarters of the Yemeni government in a continuation of the recent wave of escalation that mainly affected Yemeni cities and left, according to the Yemeni Ministry of Health, about 500 civilians martyred and wounded.