Telecommunications and postal sector in Yemen in immediate threat of shutdown

The sector of telecommunications and postal services in Yemen have on Sunday confirmed that the continued detention of oil derivatives ships portends an imminent interruption of telecommunications and internet services, which will affect basic service sectors.

The statement came during a vigil held in the capital of Sana’a by employees of the telecommunications and postal sector in front of the United Nations office.

In a statement issued during the vigil, the telecommunications and postal sector strongly condemned the Saudi-led coalition’s continued crimes and its repeated aggression against telecommunications networks and towers.

The statement confirmed that “the blockade is a war crime against all the Yemeni people and a flagrant violation of all international laws and human rights charters.”

It held the coalition countries fully responsible for the result of the detention of oil derivatives ships and prevention of the arrival of necessary supplies for the operation and continuation of telecommunications services.

The sector called on the United Nations, the International Telecommunication Union and relevant international organisations to intervene immediately.