Security Services Reveal Details of Security Operation, Thwarted Criminal Scheme by Saudi Intelligence

The security services revealed Tuesday the details of thwarting a plan by the Saudi intelligence service, which was targeting the security and safety of the capital, Sana’a.

According to the “Saba” agency, the security services explained in a statement that the enemy had recruited a cell, equipped a number of car bombs, and sent them to the free governorates to kill innocents and disturb the public tranquility that citizens enjoy.

It indicated that the security services monitored information that the Saudi intelligence had recruited members of the hypocritical traitors present in Ma’rib to equip three car bombs with the intention of targeting vital places in the capital Sana’a and other free provinces.

Based on the intelligence information, the security services worked on deploying and distributing investigation and control teams, engineering teams and qualitative task forces in the vicinity of the targeted places, raising the state of readiness, repositioning and deploying, creating checkpoints, circulating types of car bombs at security points and securing the land ports.

The agencies also issued permission to arrest and search from the Public Prosecution in accordance with the law for those involved in this conspiracy, and after starting the procedures, the preliminary results concluded that those involved in treason and those linked to the Saudi intelligence, led by the US-Saudi mercenary Naji Munif (commander of the military police in Marib), head of the cell, Adnan al-Daya’i (an officer in the Special Security Forces) and Mane’e Suleiman (head of the Psychological Warfare Division in the Third Military Region).

Details of monitoring and tracking the cars were also revealed about moving the cars from Al-jawf and receipt of Saudi funds for implementing the criminal operation.

According to what was revealed by the procedures for collecting inferences and the confessions of the cell members, the Saudi intelligence prepared the criminal plan with the help of its mercenaries by taking advantage of drivers of heavy transportation as a cover for transporting cars prepared for detonation, raising the cost of transportation, and using individuals working in trade as a cover for receiving car.

After arriving at the places required for implementation, they used females during the process of smuggling car bombs from checkpoints. The aggression exploited people’s conditions and promised to solve some of their problems in case they were involved in criminal acts affecting state security.

The security services confirmed that they are still following up on the case’s procedures until all those involved are brought to justice.

It said, “Our dear Yemeni people, the conspiracies we put before you represent a witness to the hatred that the US-Saudi-Emirati coalition holds towards our beloved Yemen, whose aggressors were unable to break their will, no matter how hard they tried. And we warn those involved in treason that the security services are able, with God’s help, to reach them wherever they are.”