US Is Responsible for The Criminal Saudi-Imposed Siege on Yemen

The United States today bears full responsibility for the criminal siege imposed on Yemen and the resulting suffering, most notably the severe shortage of energy, food and medicine supplies, which are the basics of a decent life for any society.

There are main reasons that push most countries of the world to stand against America, perhaps the most prominent of which is that the US does not care about the interests of the peoples and their residents as much as it cares about the interests of the agent regimes that it planted in those countries and peoples.

The US protects the tyrannical monarchies and dictatorships spread in more than one country in the world, and they all operate under orders from the White House. International law is adapted according to the requirements of American policy. It gives green light to tyrannical regimes and dictatorships that came to power with the help of America and stand against national regimes that do not follow the American approach.

What happened in the Middle East; in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Libya and other countries gives a clear picture of the criminal American policy against peoples and the crimes and disasters that this policy left behind.

American foreign policy, since the founding of this country more than 300 years ago, until today, has not committed even the slightest amount of credibility in its international dealings and relations. It is a state that appeals to a great legacy of utilitarian demagogy and a colonial style that it has pursued since its founding.

Likewise, the US position on the Yemeni war is not different from the US foreign policy approach, as it is certainly with the coalition countries, which are one of America’s most prominent allies in the region. The Persian Gulf states, perched on a lake of oil, serve as America’s financial stockpile and a lucrative market for arms, military equipment, and products from American companies.