Minister of Transport confirms: First flight from Sana’a airport to take off Monday, 44 days after UN armistice


The Minister of Transport, Abdelwahab Al-Durra, said the first commercial flight from Sana’a International Airport, since the start of the UN-brokered humanitarian truce, will take off tomorrow, Monday, to Jordan via Yemenia airlines.

The Minister of Transport indicated in an expanded meeting held on Sunday at Sana’a Airport that the second flight, Sana’a – Cairo – Sana’a, would be in the near future.

Al-Durra said that there is no UN objection or decision prevents the continuation of commercial flights from Sana’a airport on a permanent basis without linking them to the humanitarian truce, especially since the United Nations inspects and monitors flights.

He confirmed the keenness to facilitate all procedures for passengers and provide the best navigational services with high technical and professional efficiency.

At the meeting, the Minister of Transport praised the efforts of the cadres working at Sana’a Airport, who worked with high professionalism and impartiality in providing their services.