President al-Mashat orders to honor merchants who are committed to paying Zakat

Mahdi al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council, met on Wednesday, Chairman of the General Authority for Zakat Shamsan Abu Nashtan, and the Authority’s Undersecretary for the Banking Sector, Mohammed al-Ayani.

During the meeting, al-Mashat reviewed the projects implemented by the authority during the year 1443, which include in the agricultural, fishery and livestock fields, the food industry projects, the vocational empowerment program, which numbered 50 projects, and the plans of the General Authority for Zakat for 1444.

The President stressed the importance of developing the administrative and organizational side to facilitate procedures, provide services to the poor and needy, and complete the automation of all the authority’s work.

President al-Mashat also stressed the importance of implementing a comprehensive enumeration project for beneficiaries in coordination with the Central Bureau of Statistics in order to create an accurate database of the poor and needy.

He called on the concerned authorities to cooperate with Zakat Authority, pointing to the importance of Zakat and the consequent performance of it in terms of purification of souls, promotion of social solidarity and the eradication of poverty.

President al-Mashat directed to honor the merchants who are committed to paying  Zakat and give them the list of privileges prepared by the Ministry of Finance.