Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi speaks as preparations for birthday of Prophet Muhammad start in Yemen

The leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Houthi, affirmed on Tuesday the distinction of the Yemeni people by commemorating the anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad’s birth anniversary, peace be upon him and his followers. owner and his family.

Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi said in a speech he delivered on Tuesday in front of the state’s civil and military leaders, scholars, and social and tribal figures, at the People’s Mosque in the Capital Sana’a on the occasion of the inauguration of the events of the Prophet’s Birthday, “We congratulate the attendees and all the Yemeni people and the Islamic nation as a whole for entering the month of Rabi’ al-Awwal, the month of the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace and his family, Muhammad bin Abdullah…”

He added, “Today we are launching activities and preparatory activities for this important occasion, leading to the grand event on the twelfth of Rabi’ al-Awwal.

He considered the interest of the Yemeni people on this occasion to be one of the manifestations of the hadith of the Noble Prophet, “Faith is Yemeni and wisdom is Yemeni.”

He added, “When our Yemeni people paid such great attention and the rest of the peoples took the lead and emerged in their care on this occasion, this is not strange for this people, which embodies their belief in the Messenger of Allah and their commitment to practical aspects, emulation, sympathy and concern, as this is embodied in reverence and glorification of the Messenger of Allah.”

The Leader of the Revolution emphasized that this is not strange for the descendants of Ansar who supported and sheltered the Messenger of Allah and migrated with him in the early days of Islam and carried its banner.

“Recently and in recent days, we have seen a new presence, to restore this occasion on the Islamic arena in a number of countries, in East Asia and Pakistan, in the Arab countries, Lebanon, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Maghreb countries and a number of countries in the Islamic world. This occasion has returned well,” adding the interest in its revival has remarkably returned.

Al-Houthi pointed out that in the past, this occasion received great attention in the Islamic world and among Muslims, and the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, was a special day in the Islamic world in paying attention to it and reviving it in religious lectures, seminars, speeches, manifestations of joy and pleasure.

Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi pointed out that interest in it has declined during decades recently, and it has been absent in many Islamic countries due to the negative takfiri activity that fights important religious occasions, and describes them as heresy, foremost of which is the anniversary of the birth of the Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family.

He also stressed that the destructive role on the Islamic arena, in addition to the anti-Islam western attack and the soft satanic war on its principles, symbols, prophet, the Holy Qur’an, the prominent and basic landmarks of Islam, and the takfiri war, are twins and represent one direction in moving towards one goals, even if the means, methods, squares and fields are varied.

He said, “by the grace of God Almighty and His success and guidance, this occasion regained its presence, starting with Yemen, which was a pioneer in its revival, then increased interest in it and regained its sanctity and care in the rest of the Islamic countries, even if the situation varies from one country to another.”

He added, “This great occasion is one of the important and useful occasions that the nation needs, and its importance has increased in view of its reality as an Islamic nation. It needs to pay attention and hard work to everything that contributes to the revival of the nation’s important and fundamental principles and values by which it lives and restores its presence among the nations with its principles, morals and mission”.

He continued, “This nation, which Allah honored with Islam and bestowed upon it with the Messenger and the Noble Qur’an, has reached what it has reached in terms of decline, scattering, division and weakness as a result of the absence of many important principles and values, which affected it greatly.”

He added, “When the nation returns to the sources of its glory and honor and revives its pioneering and distinguished role that Allah honored and distinguished with it, and its sacred responsibility that Allah has placed on it, it will automatically enjoy Allah’s care and success, and that will save it first and save humanity around it.” Goodness, guidance, human transcendence, and treatment of the aggravating problems in human reality will not be and will not come except by returning to Allah, his method, his guidance, his books, his messenger and his prophets, and to the Book of Allah that is dominant over all books, and to the seal of the prophets and messengers, Muhammad, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family.”

Abdulmalik al-Houthi said, “The most important thing we express to revive this occasion and the main preparatory activities for it is the view of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, as a great blessing from Allah, which requires showing appreciation, joy and glorification of it, and this is an important issue.

He said: “The greatest blessing that Allah has bestowed is the blessing of guidance through the Book and the Messenger. The blessing of guidance is the greatest material blessing and is the key through which humanity enjoys the rest of Allah’s blessings, and goodness is achieved for it in its life and enjoys a good life, pride and dignity.”

He added, “Every person is in need of purification, which was one of the main tasks of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, as he moves and delivers instructions on the basis of the guidance of Allah Almighty, by all means, in the guidance and instructions he gives in order to purify the human soul, which is the one that can only be achieved and human perfection. with it”.

He stated that without this message that the Messenger of humanity, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon his family, carried, the future of the nation was in darkness and wandering, and falsehoods, corruption and vices would grow in the reality of human beings, intensify and continue because the forces of the tyrant protect it and move it and make it a method and a policy.

With regard to faith of education, the Leader of the Revolution touched upon the necessity that love for Allah Almighty should be above everything, and then love for the Messenger of Allah should come in the second rank and level, so that this would be tangible in feelings and practical concerns.

He reiterated that one of the important vocabulary in the faith relation with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, is reverence and respect, which requires the nation to venerate and respect his status and know his great status with Allah, so that this is clear and evident in reality by following this example.

He stressed the necessity of “striving to be one of the supporters of the Messenger of Allah, to be among those who support this approach and the great message that is fighting the most war in its principles, values and teachings.”

He said, “One of the important vocabulary and titles is our relation with the Final Prophet, from his saying (and help him) through Islamic and faith affiliation, as it is a major part of the faith relation with him.”

Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi stated that the guardians of Satan, all their concern and effort, are to pursue a fierce war by all means and methods against the great Muhammad’s message that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him”.

He stressed that the Western attacks and insults to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family, are insults to Islam, with the aim of distorting it, which requires everyone to prepare to be against everyone who seeks to separate the nation from its values and strike it on the most important basis that can restore it to its glory and honor.

He said, “The Holy Qur’an is the light, the truth, the wisdom, the guidance and what contradicts it is false and misguided. Therefore, our relation with the Holy Qur’an must be based on the fact that it is the light, for the sake of prosperity in this world and the hereafter, and safety from loss, misguidance, loss, misery and humiliation, and to win Allah’s approval and Paradise.”

He added, “The great hopes that every human being of sound nature aspires to, are realized on the basis of saving humanity, and its righteousness and integrity depend on that.

There is no alternative that can ever bring the nation, humanity or any society to this result.”

The Leader of the Revolution urged the consolidation of great concepts in the activities and events dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday and linking it to the reality and the march of life, expressing hope that there would be a wide activity on the educational, guiding and guiding levels, seminars and lectures to talk about the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, and his message and great perfection and what binds the nation to it and the principle of sympathy and imitating it in mosques, councils, and others.

He called for permanent attention to charity and to make it more and more organized during this period by caring for the poor and needy, saving the distressed, and providing relief to the distressed at the individual and cooperative levels.

Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi expressed the hope that the mobilization for this year’s grand event will be more carefully than in previous years..

He pointed out that the revival of this occasion on a large scale by the masses of the Yemeni people is a manifestation of the glorification of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and endorsements of his saying, “and honor him.” At the same time, it represents a message to the enemies of the Messenger, Islam and humanity who are leading offensive campaigns with various satanic drawings, attacks and methods against the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family.

At the conclusion of his speech, the Leader of the Revolution affirmed that the mass crowds on this solemn religious occasion are a message that the nation is moving more towards strengthening and consolidating its faith link with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family.