Two civilians found dead near major road in Hadhramaout


Two citizens have been found dead amid unclear circumstance on al-Abbr road, which links Ma’rib and Hadhramaut governorates, eastern Yemen.

According to the sources, during the past hours local citizens have found the body of Hassan Muhammad al-Dhaman bin Samra al-Obeidi and another man next to him, killed on the road of Abbar.

The sources said that the citizens were likely shot dead by unknown gunmen as part of likely tribal revenges, indicating that the discovery of the bodies caused a state of terror among the residents.

Al-Abbr Road, which is under the control of militants loyal to the Saudi-led coalition, has been witnessing security chaos and murder cases against passengers and Yemeni expatriates returning from Saudi Arabia as a result of the continued shutdown of Sana’a International Airport to civilian flights since 2016.