Announcement of emergency in the ranks of the STC in Aden

A leader in the Transitional Council, which calls for the secession of southern Yemen, revealed, on Thursday, a state of confusion among the council’s factions in the city of Aden, in anticipation of the city falling into the hands of Tariq Saleh.

Salem al-Shaiba, in a tweeter described the situation in Aden as “troubled” stressing that the state of emergency among the STC forces had been raised in conjunction with Tariq Saleh’s decision to bring in forces from his camp in Ras Abbas.

Al-Shaiba indicated that the STC refused the deployment of those forces that were trained to take over the file of protecting Aden, revealing Saudi threats against targeting these forces. These developments come at a time when the coalition forces began supervising the exit of the transitional factions from Aden