Shura Council organizes an event of 105th anniversary of Balfour Declaration


Shura Council organized an event to commemorate the 105th anniversary of the ominous Balfour Declaration on Wednesday in the capital Sana’a, in the presence of representatives of Palestinian factions in Yemen and political forces.

“The Balfour Declaration gave what Britain did not possess to those who did not deserve,” the Prime Minister Mohammad Al-Aidarous confirmed.

He pointed out that the West and Zionism worked to plant artificial entities such as “Israel”, Saudi Arabia and the UAE to attack the Nation.

For his part, Mohammad Saleh Al-Nuaimi, member of the Supreme Political Council, considered that the Arab dependence on Western projects constituted a greater tragedy than the disastrous Balfour Declaration.

He called on the Palestinians to unite according to the recent Algiers Agreement between the representatives of the Palestinian factions.

“We in Yemen, as confirmed by Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, are present to share a living with the Palestinian people,” Al-Nuaimi added.

In turn, Hassan Al-Hamran, the official in charge of the Palestinian issue in Ansarallah, said, “The result of the soft war waged by the Jews among the Nation is the fall of Palestine and the disintegration of the Islamic Nation.”

Al-Hamran indicated that the usurpation of Palestine preceded the Balfour Declaration in terms of preparation and planning for the displacement of Muslims prior to the implantation of the “Israeli” entity.

He added that the US formally agreed in 1916 to the Balfour Declaration prior to its issuance, which reveals the extent of Western conspiracy.

Meanwhile, Khaled Khalifa, representative of the Palestinian Democratic Front, stressed that the axis of resistance stands as a strong supporter of the Palestinian resistance.

“Yemen’s position, despite the aggression and siege, is a matter of great respect and appreciation for the Palestinian people,” he added.

Khalifa stressed that the Palestinian people continue to fight in various forms, and the escalating operations that the West Bank and Gaza are witnessing are evidence of this.

He considered that the Oslo Accord inflicted the greatest damage on the Palestinian cause and opened the door to the betrayals of normalization and the decline of Arab attitudes towards Palestine.

The Balfour Declaration came in the form of a letter from Britain’s then-foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour, addressed to Lionel Walter Rothschild, a figurehead of the British Jewish community. It was published on November 2, 1917.

The declaration was made during World War I (1914-1918) and was included in the terms of the British Mandate for Palestine after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.

It is widely seen as the precursor to the 1948 Palestinian Nakba, when Zionist armed paramilitary groups, who were trained and created to fight side by side with the British in World War II, forcibly expelled more than 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland.