An armed ambush targeting a “security leader” in the center of Taiz

a security leader loyal to the coalition was subjected to an armed ambush in the center of Taiz, southern Yemen.

Local sources said that gunmen belonging to Ghazwan al-Mikhlafi, the nephew of a prominent leader in the Islah Party, Sadiq Sarhan al-Mikhlafi, opened fire on a military vehicle belonging to Yassin al-Akhali, nephew of Mansour al-Akhali, Taiz Police Director, while he was passing through the city center.

The sources pointed out that the military vehicle was completely burned due to the intensity of the bullets, while the fate of al-Akhali was not yet known and whether he had survived the armed ambush.

The incident comes, a few days after Ghazwan al-Mikhlafi threatened to kill the police chief of Taiz, who is affiliated with Nabil Shamsan, who is loyal to the UAE, against the background of the latter killing his brother, “Suhaib”, in fierce battles between armed gangs loyal to the coalition.