Shura Council Condemns US-Saudi Mercenaries’ Imposing Illegal Fees

The Shura Council condemned the decision of the so-called Minister of Finance in the government pro-coalition to impose additional tax fees on importing traders.

In a statement issued on Thursday, the council considered this arbitrary measure, which is deliberately taken by the pro-aggression government, serves only the US-Saudi forces, which seeks by various means to tighten the screws on the Yemeni people.

The statement pointed out that at a time when the Yemeni people are suffering from economic crises, in light of the interruption of salaries and the refusal of the aggression to disburse them from the looted oil revenues, the pro-aggression government comes out with the arbitrary decision to impose additional income taxes on importers of various commodities.

The council’s statement stressed that such proceedings will double the rate of poverty and famine and harm the movement of internal trade in all governorates.

The statement called on the United Nations and international humanitarian organizations to intervene urgently and pressure to cancel this decision and these inhumane actions that aim to directly harm the livelihood of the Yemeni people and increase their human suffering.