Ministry of Expatriate Affairs condemns execution of 2 Yemeni citizens by Saudi regime

    The Ministry of Expatriate Affairs of the Salvation Government in Sana’a on Monday condemned the Saudi regime’s execution of two Yemeni citizens, who were residing in Saudi Arabia with the intention of earning an honorable living.

    The Ministry of Expatriates said in a statement that the execution of the citizens Muhammad Moqbel Al-Wasel (27 years), from Dhamar province, and Shaja’a Salah Mahdi Jameel (29 years), from Ibb province, was based on a secret trial, and they were not given the legal right to defend themselves.

    The ministry indicated that the Saudi regime has deliberately prevented giving any information to the relatives of the victims about the circumstances of the execution, which is considered a crime under international and humanitarian agreements, covenants and laws.

    The statement condemned the silence of the UN Security Council regarding these crimes, which give the perpetrators cover to repeat them.

    The ministry called on the United Nations and international human rights organizations to play their role and bear responsibility towards all violations committed by the Saudi regime against Yemeni expatriates, and to refer the perpetrators to trial.