Yemeni Human Rights Ministry condemns continued Saudi attacks on civilians in border regions

The Yemeni Ministry of Human Rights has condemned in the strongest terms the continuation of Saudi crimes against civilians and African migrants in the border areas, the latest of which resulted in the death and injury of 11 people.

In a statement, the ministry was surprised by the continued silence of the international community and international bodies and organisations, led by the United Nations, regarding the crimes committed by the Saudi regime.

It stated, “We remind the world, with all its humanitarian bodies, that the victims of the Saudi attacks, since the beginning of the truce, have reached 2,258, including 285 martyrs in the border districts of Saada. The death toll is still escalating, and artillery shells and machine guns are still raining down on the heads of civilians and immigrants. The most severe forms of torture and abuse are being practiced against them.”

The Ministry called on the free world, and human rights and humanitarian organisations to put pressure on the Saudi regime to prevent the perpetration of more crimes against Yemeni citizens and African immigrants.

The Ministry of Human Rights renewed the call to the competent bodies and all humanitarian and international organisations to review the crimes committed by the Saudi regime in the border areas, pointing to the importance of all organisations operating in Yemen in providing the necessary requirements to aid the injured.