Telecommunications sector suffers $11 billion in losses due aggression war

The Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology announced on Saturday that the initial material losses incurred by the telecommunications and postal sector and companies as a result of the Saudi-US coalition aggression amounted to more than $10,925,000,000.

This came in a press conference held by the ministry Saturday about the size of the losses that affected the telecommunications and postal sector and companies during the eight years of the coalition war.

More than 1,106 civilian telecommunications and postal facilities were bombed and destroyed by more than 2,760 air raids, resulting in the death of 79 workers in the telecommunications and information technology sector and companies.

The Ministry said that the coalition deliberately prevented the re-operation of telecommunication stations and sites, and thwarted the restoration of service by re-targeting or blocking civil telecommunications equipment and systems and preventing their entry.

It noted that the aggression coalition is still holding more than 104 telecommunication stations, nearly seven million mobile phone sim cards, and 20 containers carrying telecommunication and messaging supplies and equipment.

The coalition is still closing air, land and sea ports to postal services, the ministry added, pointing out that no single letter has arrived in Yemen since 2016.

The Ministry of telecommunications and Information Technology held the coalition countries fully responsible for all crimes committed against the Yemeni people and their infrastructure.

It called on the international community and UN organizations to assume their humanitarian responsibility, and for the free people of the world to intervene and work to stop the aggression and lift the blockade.