Military spokesman: Any foolish acts by Saudi-led invaders will have region-wide consequences


Spokesman for Yemeni Armed Forces Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e warned that if the US-Saudi aggression committed any foolish acts, surprises and major strikes, whether in Saudi Arabia or the Emirates, will have an impact on the entire region.

Sare’e’s remarks came in a speech he delivered during the closing ceremony of the qualifying courses for the 36th batch of those who stopped fighting for the US-Saudi aggression. The ceremony was held by the Fifth Military Region on Saturday in Sana’a.

Sare’e expressed how the Ministry of Defense, the Chief of Staff and the military regions are honored to have those who were brainwashed by the US-Saudi aggression return to the national side.

He communicated the keenness of the leadership of the revolution, represented by Sayyid Abdul-Mlik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, to allow the return of those involved with the aggression.

“The Armed Forces consider every Yemeni citizen an essential part of the country, and no one can be excluded,” he added.

Brigadier Sare’e pointed out that eight years of steadfastness are years of pride and dignity. He explained that the chance is still available for the return of those brainwashed, but it will not remain open permanently.

“The provisions of Yemeni law will be applied to those who are late and continue in the ranks of aggression, and they will be held accountable,” he confirmed. “Our advice to those who are still on the side of the aggressors is that the door is still open, and they must return to their villages and their families, before the door of return closes. They have to learn from eight years.”

Sare’e explained that the aggression was defeated, as the Safer strike hindered the UAE, and since then it replaced by liaison officers, and it no longer has a presence in the field. As is the case with Saudi Arabia, it even abandoned its borders and replaced the fighters on its borders with Yemenis, as a first line of defense, and after them the Sudanese, so that the Saudi soldiers would be a third line of defense, he added.

“If the battle had been with the Saudis and the Emiratis, it would have ended in its first year, but what happened was the intervention of the Yemenis who were the fuel of this war,” Sare’e affirmed.
“Therefore, the Leader of the Revolution and the Supreme Political Council called for the return of those brainwashed, because the Saudis and the Emiratis will not remain occupiers of Yemen continuously, and there must be a watershed point.”

He pointed out that Britain occupied the south of the homeland for 128 years and was forced to leave in humiliation and submissiveness.

Sare’e reaffirmed by saying that the aggression is coming to an end, and the Armed Forces are determined to expel every occupier from the country. “This is a promise we made to the Leader of the Revolution and the people.”