Hadramout Tribes Warn UAE Occupation ‘Won’t Stand Idly by’

The Hadhramaut tribes accused Abu Dhabi of threatening the security and stability, stressing that the tribes will not stand idly by in front of those who seek to spread chaos and destabilize the Governorate.

The statement issued by the consultative meeting organized by the “Hadhramaut Tribes Reference” held the leadership of the coalition of aggression responsible about the consequences of the arrival of foreign military troops.

The statement called on the tribes of Hadhramaut to unify to stand up to the political developments and military provocations taking place in the city of Mukalla, and to work to overthrow the projects of hegemony and “the independence of the political and sovereign decision to preserve land and wealth”.

This comes after the UAE sent dozens of military vehicles, Wednesday, to the city of Mukalla, the center of the governorate, under the pretext of securing the holding of the sixth meeting of the so-called “Association of the Southern Transitional Council” affiliated with the UAE early next week.

Yemen’s southern governorates are witnessing security chaos, and almost daily crimes, under the control of the forces of US-Saudi aggression and Saudi-Emirati occupation. They witness an increase in assassinations involving military security leaders, religious and social tendencies, kidnapping, bombings and clashes between militants fighting for influence among them.