A young man sets his body on fire after the STC forces Destroyed his shop

In arbitrary measures and illegal levies by the mercenaries of aggression, a merchant was forced to burn himself as a result of these arbitrary measures.

Sources said that a merchant from Habashi Mountain in Taiz poured a quantity of gasoline on his body and set fire to Sheikh Othman, while citizens tried to put out the fire, but it caused him great damage.

The city of Mualla in occupied Aden is witnessing complete paralysis after all restaurants, buffets and shops closed their doors, which continues for the second day, in protest against levies by mercenaries.

Media sources said that all restaurants and buffets in the Al-Mualla district are closing their doors for the second day, in protest against the imposition of large sums of money on them as taxes and multiple levies under different names, by the mercenaries of aggression.