President tours Old Sana’a & performs Dhuhr prayer at Great Mosque

His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Head of the Supreme Political Council, performed the noon prayer with crowds of worshipers at the Great Mosque in Old Sana’a.

President Al-Mashat exchanged conversations with the worshipers on many topics that touch the concerns of citizens.

After the prayer, President Al-Mashat visited the library of manuscripts in the Great Mosque, and was briefed on the valuable manuscripts in the library, including the Holy Qur’an of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, where he thanked those in charge of the library for their great efforts to preserve the precious manuscripts generations of the Yemeni people.

In addition, the President Al-Mashat toured the old city of Sana’a, met the citizens there and exchanged conversations with them. He also visited the popular markets in the old city and the handicraft markets.

He stressed the importance of preserving this economic heritage, which reminds the Yemeni people of the importance of self-sufficiency, in which old Sana’a was one of its important centers for many crafts and handicrafts.

The President Al-Mashat moved from Old Sana’a to the Tahrir Directorate and visited a number of shops on Ali Abdul-Mughni Street, and met with the citizens, listened to them and touched their concerns.

For their part, the citizens expressed their great satisfaction at meeting President Al-Mashat, stressing their support for the leadership in the face of the US-Saudi aggression until the country achieves freedom and independence.

He was accompanied by the Chief of the General Staff, Major General Muhammad Abd al-Karim al-Ghamari.