Two Hundred Thousand new tax for travel through Aden Airport

Maeen government approved imposing new levies on travelers through Aden International Airport.

The journalist in the Transitional Council, Yasser Al-Yafei, said that Moeen directed the approval of 140 dollars, which is equivalent to 200,000 at the exchange rate of Aden, as a tax.

The amount is added, according to Al-Yafei, to the travel tickets automatically.

A specific decision to introduce new levies on travelers through Aden Airport came a few months after the success of Abu Zaraa Al-Muharrami, Vice President of the Transitional Council, forcing her to give up a dollar that she imposed on a liter of aviation fuel.

Aden Airport is the only air port for Yemen, in light of the continued restrictions on flights to Sana’a Airport, as well as the disruption of other airports, even in the areas under the control of the coalition, south and east of Yemen.

The new procedures would put the airport out of service in light of the fierce competition from its opponents, especially in Mocha, where Tariq is preparing to open Mocha Airport after obtaining the international code.