A comprehensive strike in Aden and 3 other governorates

Faculty unions at the universities of Aden, Lahj, Abyan and Shabwa announced a comprehensive strike, in rejection of the deteriorating living conditions and the corruption of Maeen’s government.

The Faculty Union and the Administrative Staff Union at the universities of Aden, Lahj, Abyan and Shabwa said during a joint meeting that they will begin a comprehensive strike in all colleges and university centers in Aden, Lahj, Abyan and Shabwa, starting from Sunday, September 17, to demand improving the living conditions of the staff of the two unions and restoring the value of the salary to what it was before March 2015 and also  raising the salaries of adjunct faculty members.

The two unions stipulated the provision of job vacancies for non-employees, including academic appointees and administrators, the issuance of fatwas and financial support for other categories, and the disbursement of university plot lands to faculty members and administrative staff.

They Emphasized the necessity of disbursing bonuses, settlements, and all financial dues, and allocating a permanent monthly budget for transportation buses for university students, in addition to supporting student housing with the necessary needs, and operating the book printing presses at the University of Aden.