foundation stone for September 21 Park project laid by the President

His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Chairman of the Supreme Political Council, laid on Wednesday the foundation stone and inaugurated work on the September 21st Park project for the People’s Park in the capital’s secretariat, coinciding with the Yemeni people’s celebrations of the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday and the ninth anniversary of the September 21st Revolution.

President Al-Mashat indicated that laying the foundation stone for the September 21 Park comes within the framework of implementing the directives of the leader of the revolution, Sayyed. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and his promise to the Yemeni people that what was called the First Armored Division would be transformed into a public park for the people.

He was accompanied by the Chief of the General Staff, Major General Muhammad Al-Ghamari, the Commander of the Fifth Military Region, Major General Yousef Al-Madani, the Commander of the Central Military Region, Major General Abdul Khaleq Al-Houthi, the Director of the Office of the Leader of the Revolution, Safar Al-Sufi, and a number of military leaders.