President Al-Mashat congratulates Yemeni people & revolution leader on ninth September 21 revolution anniversary

His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Head of the Supreme Political Council, affirmed his full commitment to achieving a just and comprehensive peace, expressing his high appreciation for the commendable efforts made by the Omani brothers in order to achieve this noble goal.

President Al-Mashat indicated in his speech this evening on the ninth anniversary of the glorious September 21 revolution, that the national negotiating delegation returned, accompanied by the Omani mediation, to the capital, Sana’a, yesterday, coming from Riyadh, after four days of discussions that were described as positive.

He said, “We were pleased with what the negotiating delegation conveyed about the Saudi leadership – as it is the leadership of the coalition with which we have been engaged in a bloody war since 2015 – and in theory, they are undoubtedly considered positive messages and assurances, and we place them as welcome, conditional on the speed of work to put them into practice.”

He Stressing that Sanaa was and is still fighting and striving for peace and an end to this aggressive war that was imposed on it without any logical justification or prior warning.

President Al-Mashat also stressed that Sana’a is ready to address any concerns of Riyadh as much as Riyadh is ready to address Sana’a’s concerns, and Sana’a will only be a source of goodness and peace for its surroundings and neighbors and all the countries of its Muslim nation.

He said, “I call on our local opponents to return to the path of righteousness and desistance, and to proceed with us in peace and respect for their homeland and people on the basis of the sanctity of sovereignty and independence, and to immediately emerge from under the cloak of foreign affairs and leave any external alignments against their countrymen, stressing that arming abroad against their countrymen is a disgraceful and obstructive act.” We look forward to a Yemeni-Yemeni dialogue that leads to the desired political solution.”

President Al-Mashat welcomed the international community’s openness to Sana’a, stressing the importance of ending the hostile alignments that are obstructing the peace process in Yemen.

He expressed his aspiration for fundamental amendments in international positions that have greatly prolonged the aggressive war against the dear Yemeni people.

President Al-Mashat extended his congratulations to the Yemeni people on their national celebrations on the ninth anniversary of the September 21 Revolution, and to the maker of this most memorable day, the leader of the revolution, Mr. Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi.

Below is the text of the letter:

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon His faithful Messenger and upon his good and pure family, and may God be pleased with his chosen companions.

On my behalf and on behalf of my colleagues in the Supreme Political Council of the Republic of Yemen, I congratulate our dear Yemeni people on their national celebrations on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of their glorious revolution, and on the same occasion I congratulate the leader of this blessed revolution and the maker of this most glorious day, Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, may God protect him. I also find it an opportunity to extend my sincere congratulations. Congratulations to our heroes stationed – on all fronts of honor – in defense of the rights of the dear people, and in defense of the protection of the dear homeland, and they are also extended to all the faithful in the various broad fields of jihad, and to all the honorable and free people in general at home and abroad.

Dear brothers and sisters

Our celebration of the twenty-first of glorious September is not a luxury behavior, nor a work that is redundant to need. Rather, it is a renewal of awareness and certainty, an enrichment of work and hope, and an annual culmination of the struggles of a generous people who decided to escape from the clutches of guardianship, celebrating a glorious movement and a booming revolution that put the pride, freedom and independence of Yemen at the forefront. Her eyes from the first day.

A revolution of Yemeni passion and identity, patriotic in face and hand, and there is no surprise in that, as it is that immortal revolution that was not born in the basements of intelligence services, nor in the corridors of embassies, or rooms of darkness and conspiracies, but rather came from the heart of the dear Yemeni people, and flowed from the womb of their suffering, longings, and aspirations, and this – There is no doubt – the secret of her steadfastness and growth and the solidity and steadfastness she is today despite all the horrors and challenges that have beset her from the moment of her birth to this day.

On an occasion like this, perhaps it is important to recall some of the harbingers of the revolution and the nature of the circumstance that ripened its necessities so that we know and the whole world knows that our people in their immortal revolution were neither of the evil ones nor of the tyrannical, but rather were devoid of a dire Yemeni need and an urgent religious and national necessity. To stop the absurdity that has extended over many years and which has destroyed everything beautiful in this country.

Brothers and sisters

The blessed revolution came after long decades of disguised guardianship, and the former regime wasted all opportunities to carry out its duties and responsibilities, and after dependency turned into a culture and practice, and guardianship into a destructive ogre and a real destructive tool that aborted the Yemeni person’s dream of seeing a strong Yemeni state that owns its decision and preserves the sovereignty of the country. its independence, protect the security of the citizen, build the country’s economy, and after they turned the country of Saeeda into one of the poorest , most corrupt countries in the world, and after they made it an incubating environment for injustice, corruption, tyranny, a fertile breeding ground for terrorism , obscurantist practices that are strange and alien to our Yemeni society,
We all still remember how Al-Qaeda groups were roaming around the country and spreading the idea of explosive belts under the auspices of influential parties in power, to the point that their flags were flying in Arhab, Jabal Ras, Al-Bayda, and many different areas. Indeed, days before the revolution came, their flags were flying in parts of the Sawan region in the heart of… The capital, just as it is now fluttering in the city of Marib and throughout our occupied territories,

The lessons of slaughter and booby-trapping were given in the form of lectures and rehearsals in what was called the University of Faith and the division camps in particular. This is not a lie, but rather facts proven by an archive full of evidence, and proven by their ongoing relations with Al-Qaeda, which today is an integral part of their alleged false legitimacy. They had also been baptized some time ago. It is too early to exclude honest people from all institutions, especially the security and army institutions.

According to early and systematic plans, they intended to dismantle the army, limit its armament and training, distort its identity and combat doctrine, and transform its tasks from a national army that was supposed to defend the country and protect its dear soil to something resembling security companies dedicated only to protecting foreign tools, and we all remember how they used this institution to suppress reformers. The Yemenis inside and the invasion of Yemeni villages and cities, at a time when the fighters appeared with mute rifles in front of those who killed our soldiers on Hanish Island, and in front of those who were eating away our lands piece by piece without any resistance or a bullet.

We all also remember the revolts, the waves of slaughter, and the liquidations that targeted the cadres of the military and security establishment, in addition to the spread of the scourge of retaliation, crises, bombs, robberies, and theft that were sweeping the country from the far south to the far north. In addition, the country had turned – a long time ago – into an environmental environment. It expels minds, competencies and manpower until Yemeni expatriates fill the countries of the world from different levels and classes, as is known, not to mention corruption and tampering with the country’s capabilities to the extent that they sold Yemeni gas to foreign companies.

Indeed, corruption reached the point where they divided the oil wells and distributed them among their people ,families, and things continued to get worse and the suffering increased without any goal until everything came to an end and the pre-revolution government declared its bankruptcy and inability to pay salaries, and all of this was in a period of peace and with full resources and massive foreign aid.

Dear Yemeni people

This brief reference – to some features of the bitter reality that preceded the advent of your glorious revolution – I do not intend to offend or disparage any party in any era or era – as much as I wanted to remind you that whoever looks with an eye of fairness or examines with the heart of an impartial researcher – in the stages before… The revolution will inevitably realize that the country’s conditions were not good, and that the twenty-first of glorious September actually represented the logical and natural response to the call of duty, and the voice of conscience, towards a homeland that is being lost and values that are disappearing under the weight of foreign tutelage and its local tools governed by corruption and dependency. I do not claim that our revolution is immortal. I have moved you to the ideal situation that we aspire to, but there is certainly still time available for it to achieve that, and it has sufficient values, determination, and faith, God willing, to achieve that.

The revolution tried from the first day to fix the situation through peaceful and civilized means. It pardoned its opponents, conducted dialogue with them, kept them in their positions, and provided all reassurances at a time when it could have put them on trial and hung them on the gallows under the applause of the masses. But it wanted to establish a new type of creative political thinking, perhaps. This turns a page of painful past, and opened the horizon wide to joint action, and that is all it did against them is that it only called on them to respect the country’s sovereignty, stop corruption and tyranny, stop the relationship with terrorism, correct the imbalances, and move forward towards building the just Yemeni state, thus embodying the tolerance and forgiveness that its people were born with.

Beautiful, and an inclination towards peace and dialogue, but with great regret it became difficult for its opponents to listen to the voice of reason, wisdom and morality, so they decided to destroy it by force so that a new chapter of the revolution could begin in a scene that reflected the reality of the ongoing conflict between the homeland project (which calls for a strong, proud and independent Yemen) and the project The outside (who is trying to keep Yemen as a short wall and a theater for interventions).

Over the course of nine lean years, the aggressive war doubled the suffering of our people – killing, intimidation, siege, starvation and widespread destruction – and yet our people proved that their revolution was here to stay and continue, and it is enough for this revolution to be proud and proud that it has preserved its morals, values and principles, and there is no evidence of that than keeping the door of amnesty open. And its noble dealings with the prisoners, it proceeded on the basis of a hand that builds and a hand that protects, and it was able, thanks to God, to transform this war and this suffering into a witness to the greatness of its people, the wisdom of its leadership, the justice of its cause, and the valor of its fighters, and it made all the challenges precious opportunities for diligent work, and reviving the characteristics of patience, cooperation, and integration. And fortifying the internal front.

Under the fire and siege, it kindled the creative Yemeni spirit, accumulated experience and expertise, built a giant Yemeni army, manufactured all the requirements of a fighter, from bullets to missiles and planes, and built a striking security force that completely eliminated Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and all outgrowths of terrorism and extremism, and spread security and tranquility on the roads, villages, and cities in general. areas of its control,

It introduced many reforms and many projects in various fields, and the government put strict instructions for the leadership of the revolution and the leadership of the state regarding preventing the recruitment of children into effect, and paid great attention to the agricultural aspect, and with unparalleled efficiency the revolution managed the ongoing battle for national liberation, all under difficult circumstances and limited capabilities. Scarce and in the face of a major aggressive war and unprecedented global alignment

This is what the reports issued by the major international centers attest to, along with the repeated declarations and confessions issued by hostile parties, and we do not claim the complete success of the revolution in eliminating corruption. This is still a long battle, as you know, but at least it overthrew the major corrupt and influential people, and made use of the available capabilities. In serving the public good in accordance with the priorities of this stage, it also protected Yemeni oil and Yemeni gas from theft and plunder, preserved the currency, and still spends half a salary from time to time, all of this from very limited resources, which gives sufficient indications and indications of a clear decline in the scope of corruption, and certainly We are still in the process of arranging more and more comprehensive changes and reforms.

Brothers and sisters

I will limit myself to this amount of talk about your eternal revolution, while leaving the way open for the elites and those who hold noble pens to enrich the conversation about it with greater and greater expansion.

I conclude with the following:

First – I renew my congratulations on the occasion of our national holidays and on the occasion of the approaching anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday, which is undoubtedly the holiday of holidays, and I love it to the hearts of the people. On this occasion, I call on everyone to spread the values of love, brotherhood, tolerance and reconciliation in a way that strengthens the internal front and to continue mobilizing energies in a way that guarantees the attainment of full and undiminished rights.

Secondly – We affirm our full commitment to achieving a just and comprehensive peace, and we highly appreciate the laudable efforts made by the brothers in the Sultanate of Oman in order to achieve this noble goal. In this regard, I would like to point out that I had prepared a speech completely different from this speech, but I postponed it at the last minute, entirely. I hope I won’t have to return to it on any future occasion.

Our national negotiating delegation, accompanied by the Omani mediation, returned yesterday to Sana’a, the capital of the Republic of Yemen, coming from Riyadh, the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, after four days of discussions that were described as positive. We were pleased with what the negotiating delegation reported about the Saudi leadership – as it is the leadership of the coalition with which we are engaged in a bloody war. Since the year 2015 – from a theoretical point of view, they are undoubtedly considered positive messages and affirmations, and we place them as welcome, conditional on the speedy work on putting them into practice, stressing that Sana’a has been and is still fighting and struggling for peace and an end to this aggressive war that was imposed on it without any logical justification and without prior warning. With all honesty, transparency and clarity, we affirm that Sana’a is ready to address any concerns of Riyadh as much as Riyadh is ready to address Sana’a’s concerns, and Sana’a will only be a source of goodness and peace for its surroundings, neighbors and all the countries of its Muslim nation.

Third – I call on our local opponents to return to the path of righteousness and desistance, and to proceed with us in peace and respect for their homeland and people on the basis of the sanctity of sovereignty ,independence, to immediately emerge from under the cloak of foreign affairs and abandon any external alignments against their countrymen, stressing that arming abroad against their countrymen is a disgraceful and obstructive act.

We look forward to a Yemeni-Yemeni dialogue that leads to the desired political solution.

[ ] Fourth – I welcome the international community’s openness to Sana’a and stress the importance of ending the hostile alignments that are obstructing the peace process in Yemen. I also look forward to fundamental amendments in international positions that have greatly prolonged the aggressive war against the dear Yemeni people.

Glory and eternity to the martyrs

Healing for the wounded

Freedom for prisoners

Victory for the dear Yemeni people, and may God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.