Sayyed Abdulmalik Reiterated Commitment to Continue Striving to End Aggression, Siege, Occupation

The Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi affirmed the continued efforts to end aggression, siege, and occupation by all legitimate means, calling on Yemenis to attend the expected and honorable celebration on Wednesday commemorating the noble Prophet’s birthday. During this event, the first phase of radical change will be announced.
Speaking in a televised speech broadcast from the Yemeni capital of Sana’a on Tuesday evening, on the eve of the noble Prophet’s birthday, Sayyed Abdulmalik conveyed congratulations and greetings to the Yemeni Muslim people and the Islamic Nation on this blessed and great occasion.

“The occasion of the noble Prophet’s birthday connects us to our greatest symbol, the Messenger of Allah. It strengthens our ties to Islam, the Quran, and enhances awareness and spiritual purification,” the Leader stated.

He pointed out that the people of Yemen interact with the occasion of the noble Prophet’s birthday in a manner befitting its importance and greatness, confirming that it is one of the most esteemed occasions.

Sayyed Abdulmalik expressed his hope that the Yemeni People would attend the anniversary of the noble Prophet’s birthday with a great and significant presence, as in previous years. He indicated that the level of interaction with the occasion of the noble Prophet’s birthday enhances the hope in the Yemeni people’s ability to provide a distinguished model in their faith and loyalty to the Messenger of Allah.

Islamic Nation Needs to Strengthen Its Connection to Prophet, Quran

Sayyed Abdulmalik emphasized that Muslims are in dire need of strengthening their connection to the Messenger of Allah and the Quran, especially as they face the significant danger of being influenced by enemies of Islam.

He explained that the Zionist Jewish lobby worldwide, along with its cohorts in the United States, Israel, and some European regimes and their followers, are working to contain and infiltrate Muslims. He pointed out that enemies have gone so far as to interfere in the curricula of Arab and Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia, which allowed the removal of Quranic verses from its curricula because Jews took offense at them.

He warned by saying: “Over time, the influence in changing concepts, beliefs, and cultures increases, to the point where people’s affiliation with Islam becomes merely superficial without carrying the true vision of Islam in their daily lives.” He emphasized that soft war aims to control the Nation in various domains.

Sayyed Abdulmalik also affirmed that the Nation needs to be cohesive and work towards reclaiming its leading role in the world. He clarified that the Nation, through reestablishing its relationship with the Messenger and the Quran. It can regain its freedom and dignity and break free from all forms of subordination.

He considered that the problem for many politicians and intellectuals is their mistaken view of the Quran and the Messenger. He explained that a limited view based solely on rituals is incorrect and should be coupled with guidance and action.

Reasons for Reforming State Institutions, Necessity of Radical Change

Sayyed Abdulmalik addressed the reasons for radical change and its necessity. “We are scheduled to discuss tomorrow the first phase of the radical change that has been a necessity since the beginning and a victory for the September 21st Revolution.’ He hoped that this occasion would help rectify the situation that must be changed.

He pointed out that the issue of radical change is not a matter of recent developments or new necessities, emphasizing that the dysfunction is old, and citizens have been complaining for a long time.

“The absence of competence standards is one of the main reasons for problems in all state institutions. Neither the constitution nor any law requires it,” the Leader added. “Deprivation of services is an issue that citizens complain about in all provinces, while the wealth of the people has been wasted and looted for decades, and it has not been used to serve the people.”

Sayyed Abdulmalik pointed out that some political figures have acquired immense wealth and are now enjoying it in the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Turkey, and elsewhere. Some officials from the previous regime shed crocodile tears for the Yemeni People, while standing with the aggression and contributing to the shedding of the people’s blood.

“There was no economic plan for decades when all resources were available. They did not invest in building a productive country but turned it into an importing and consuming country,” he added.

Radical Change with Popular Direction

Furthermore, the Leader affirmed that “the situation in state institutions should not continue as it is because there are deep-seated imbalances in systems, laws, procedures, and everything.”

He highlighted that the people can, with the help of Allah, completely change their economic reality, transform into a productive country, and alter their economic policies.”

Sayyed Abdulmalik stressed that radical change must be accompanied by a popular direction for change because change requires comprehensive action from everyone.

“Sometimes, with the shift towards change, there is propaganda and the planting of fears, and some come to talk about a danger to the republic, and this is the logic of the enemies,” he warned. “What matters to us is the establishment of truth, justice, and the achievement of good for the country. We have no problem with the republic as we want it to embody the authentic faith belonging to our people.”

Working to End Aggression, Siege, and Occupation

The Leader reiterated the commitment to continue striving to end aggression, siege, and occupation through all legitimate means, warning, “If negotiations fail, our people have the right to act through all legitimate means to end aggression, siege, and occupation.”

He also noted that “the enemies and their mouthpieces are expected to oppose the path of change, so the people should not pay attention to them,” adding, “We will announce the first stage of change in tomorrow’s speech.”

Sayyed Abdulmalik concluded his speech by renewing the call to the dear people to participate widely and massively today in all the squares celebrating the noble Prophet’s birthday.