Ansarullah lauds Palestinian resistance operation against Zionist occupation


The Ansarallah Political Bureau blessed the heroic jihadist operation “Al-Aqsa Flood” against the Zionist entity on Saturday.

The Ansarallah Bureau’s statement confirmed that the operation “Al-Aqsa Flood” revealed the temporary Zionist entity’s weakness and impotence, highlighting the strength and effectiveness of Palestinian resistance in striking Israeli depths, storming settlements, killing Zionists, and capturing their soldiers.

The statement indicated that this operation is “a battle of dignity, pride, and defense of the nation and sanctities,” calling on the peoples and free people of the Arab and Islamic nations to support the Palestinian people and support the jihad and resistance movements with all forms of support in this historic battle.

In its statement, the Ansarallah Political Bureau also affirmed the Yemeni people’s support for the Palestinian people and the jihad and resistance movements in Palestine and their readiness to participate in the battle to defend Palestine and the nation’s sanctities against the usurping Zionist entity.