Commercial sectors in Sana’a provide alternatives to boycotted products

Sana’a’s commercial sectors on Sunday confirmed their readiness to adopt production lines to offer alternative products to foreign products as part of the boycott process of American and Israeli goods and companies supporting the Zionist entity, which has been in effect since early on.

This came during a meeting held today in Sanaa to discuss procedures for activating the boycott of American products that support the Zionist entity in the capital Sanaa.

During the meeting, the capital’s mayor, Hamoud Obad, emphasized the role of businessmen and the commercial sector in implementing boycott measures, encouraging local industries, and activating economic boycotts against the Zionist-American enemy in support of the Palestinian people.

Obad stressed the importance of community awareness about the boycott of American and Zionist products, its impact on enemies, and the need for movement in the cultural, educational, and community committee sectors.