Ministry of Fisheries accuses coalition of destroying fish wealth in Yemen’s territorial waters

The Ministry of Fisheries in the Sana’a caretaker government strongly condemned on Thursday the Saudi-led coalition forces’ continued dredging and depletion of fish wealth, which led to the deterioration of the living conditions of fishermen in Mahra province.

The Ministry of Fisheries denounced in a statement the continued crimes of attacks and unjust fishing by the coalition forces on marine resources in the territorial waters of the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

The statement stated that there are giant ships belonging to foreign companies, including Emirati ones, which have been working to dredge fish wealth in Yemeni waters for years, taking advantage of the absence of state institutions and the lack of application of the law to violators.

The Ministry of Fisheries expressed its full solidarity with the affected fishermen in Mahra and the coastal areas under the control and influence of “the occupation forces.”