Marib tribes are preparing to storm Safer, and Al-Alimi is begging for a final deadline

Marib tribes, rejecting the Islah Party’s impact on the prices of oil derivatives, imposed their conditions, forcing the leadership council formed by Saudi Arabia to beg for an additional deadline before taking control of the Safer refinery.

Marib tribes said in a statement that a meeting in Riyadh with Rashad Al-Alimi with Sheikh Nasser bin Ali bin Aushan, during which the latter insisted on dropping the dose completely and not accepting any treatments that do not cancel it.

He added that at the end of the 4-hour meeting, and with Aushan adhering to dropping the dose, Leadership Council member Othman Council asked for an additional deadline and not to attack the Safer facility.

The statement confirmed Aushan’s approval of a final deadline for (Islah), stressing not to give up on any of the terms of the demands of Marib’s tribes, and to continue to prevent all exports of the Safer facility’s production and stop production.