Statement by the Yemeni diaspora in Germany on Israel’s genocide in Palestine

03.12.2023 – INSAN – Organization for Human Rights and Peace, the Yemeni Community in Germany and the Stop the War for Yemen – Germany Initiative issued the following  statement:

Israeli aggression against the civilian population in Gaza returns after the end of the ceasefire, but with greater brutality and greater destruction.

Hundreds of civilians, most of them children and women, fall victim to Zionist terror on a daily and hourly basis due to blind Israeli air strikes.

The closure of the Rafah border crossing for the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza exacerbates the already increasing human suffering and compounds its consequences for Gaza’s residents, who languish in inhumane conditions due to the destruction of Gaza’s infrastructure.

Silence on the crimes committed by Israel against civilians in the Gaza Strip is seen as consent, as Israel considers silence as a green light to continue its aggression against Palestinian civilians in violation of international law, not to mention the official political and military support for Israel from several countries, especially the United States and the European Union.

We at INSAN – Organization for Human Rights and Peace, the Yemeni Community in Germany and the Stop the War for Yemen – Germany Initiative, condemn the contradictory approach of those governments – first and foremost the United States and some governments in the European Union, who officially declare their efforts and support for an end to the war, while at the same time contributing with their actions to Israel’s criminal military operations against innocent civilians in Gaza and the West Bank with impunity.We reaffirm the need to immediately stop the Zionist regime’s aggression against civilians in Gaza and the West Bank and to open the crossings, to provide whatever is necessary to alleviate the suffering of the civilian population in Gaza, while working to resolve the Palestinian question once and for all.

We reaffirm the need to immediately stop the Zionist regime’s aggression against civilians in Gaza and the West Bank and to open the border crossings, to provide whatever is necessary to alleviate the suffering of the civilian population in Gaza, while working to resolve the Palestinian question once and for all.

We hold the governments of the United States and European Union countries fully responsible for Israel’s actions in Gaza and the West Bank!

Without the political and military support of the Western “values society”, Israel would not have dared to disregard international law and commit war crimes and crimes against humanity in Palestine.


Source: Stop the WAR in Yemen – GERMANY